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webjema Оффлайн Хохол Ник [webjema]

Help with content needed

Бюджет: 500 $
32780 руб. или €448.86
I need a helper for work with website about health. The responsibilities are as follows:
- To find and add news to website (approximately 1000-2000 symbols - rewrite) once in two days.
- Publication of information about new news on the site in 5-10 social networks – every day.
- Adding about 5 new short testimonials (100-200 symbols) on the site every day.
- Placing 5 informational massages about the site on thematic blogs and forums every day.
- Making and publication of press releases about categories of the site to 10-20 sites – every week. Press-release size – 2000-2500 symbols.
All tasks are made in English.
Requirements to helper:
- written English on good level;
- responsibility, ability to solve problems by himself;
- qualitative work.
If you think that you can cope with work and correspond requirements – please send a short information about yourself on e-mail webjema [at] gmail dot com.
Include in your letter such information:
- Short information about yourself;
- Where you have studied language;
- Your level of English;
- How much time you will need for each of the described tasks;
- How much would you like to earn for weekly work.
Опубликован 29.07.2009 в 23:45 по мск
Прошло времени с момента публикации: более 14 лет

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Исполнитель проекта: не определён
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