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vnasyrov Оффлайн Nasyrov Vadim [vnasyrov]

Обзор логистической компании

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Нужно найти пример и сделать описание любой логистической фирмы по приведенной структуре, плюс некоторые ссылки на источники.
Section 1 – Introduction
1.1 Identification of the firm
1.2 When set up/growth
1.3 Products made/services supplied
1.4 Locations – production, warehousing, markets
1.5 Numbers employed
1.6 Overall objectives/strategic direction of the firm
Section 2 – Decisions
2.1 Identification of distribution channels
2.2 Channel relationships
2.3 Time taken for distribution, ie. By groups of products, geographical areas, customer profile etc,
2.4 Legal aspects involved in channel selection and operation
2.5 Level of intermodality used
2.6 IT system involved
2.7 Distribution planning cycle used
2.8 Key problem areas for distribution
Section 3 – Human resource management in distribution
3.1 Main activities
3.2 Numbers employed, (relative to other functional areas)
3.3 Training
3.4 Forces of change
3.5 Plans for the future
Section 4 – Costing of distribution
4.1 Main cost centers involved in distribution
4.2 Percentage of total costs – firm/products
4.3 Performance monitoring
4.4 Responsibility
Section 5 – Customer Satisfaction
5.1 Extent to which product/service easily known and recognized
5.2 Amount of product adaptation/instruction
5.3 Customer risk
5.4 Expectations of the different priority end-customers
5.5 Market coverage,(no and nature of locations)
5.6 Firms support programs(ie relative to competition)
5.7 How often do channel partners present the products as an option for customer satisfaction
5.8 Breakdowns encountered in the system
5.9 Changing patterns of customer requirements
Section 6 – Opportunities, problems and tradeoffs
6.1 Production
6.2 Warehousing
6.3 Marketing
6.4 Finance
6.5 Channels
6.6 Human resources
6.7 IT
6.8 Partnerships
6.9 Etc
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Опубликован 03.11.2010 в 18:29 по мск
Прошло времени с момента публикации: более 14 лет

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Исполнитель проекта: не определён
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