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UKRecruiter Оффлайн Ratinskiy Yuriy [UKRecruiter]

Remote job for a Senior PHP Developer

Бюджет: 2000 $
131120 руб. или €1795.43
We are a fast growing internet marketing company looking to hire some senior or advanced php developers to join our growing development teams.
This position is remote based. We are not looking to have you relocate.
Please read our requirements below

Comfortable with both object oriented and procedural programming methodologies.
Looking for Long Term employment with a fast growing internet company
Modifying existing code with new features available in current and future deployments of PHP/MySQL
Efficiently handles tasks in a reasonable amount of time
Creative mind to develop innovative and unique solutions to complex problems on high traffic websites

PHP - 3 years experience, advanced level. Preferably PHP5 Knowledge.
MySQL - 3 years experience, advanced level. Preferably MySQL5 Knowledge.
Linux - 3 years experience, advanced level
Extremely detail oriented and organized and able to meet deadlines
Able to solve complex problems and create optimized code for high traffic websites
Advanced AJAX Experience a plus

Please send us your CV at e-mail: 1 [at] it-recruiter [d0t] net
Also please when applying if you could leave your salary expectations that would be greatly appreciated.

You will be contacted as soon as possible by one of our consultants regarding your message.
Опубликован 30.05.2012 в 11:40 по мск
Прошло времени с момента публикации: более 12 лет
кандидаты Просмотреть кандидатов на исполнение проекта
Исполнитель проекта: не определён
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