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Garbby1203 Оффлайн Y A Nagase Garbriel [Garbby1203]


Бюджет: 9000 $
590040 руб. или €8079.42
Предоплата: 8550 $ (95%)
Hi there!

I’m working on an exciting startup to develop an online gaming platform, and I'm looking for a skilled developer to help bring this vision to life. If all goes well, this could turn into a long-term collaboration!

Here’s what I need:

Frontend Development: Design and implement responsive and intuitive user interfaces using Next.js.
State Management: Utilize Redux or the Context API for efficient state management across the application.
Performance Optimization: Ensure the application maintains high performance and responsiveness.
Code Quality: Conduct code reviews, write unit and integration tests, and uphold high coding standards.
Troubleshooting: Identify and fix bugs and performance issues.
Responsive Design: Familiarity with CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS or styled-components for adaptive UI design.
Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication skills are a must.
Preferred Experience:
I'm looking for someone with prior experience in building job boards or marketplaces using technologies like Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and backend integration. If this sounds like you, please share your portfolio and an estimated timeline for the project.

For your reference, here’s the design prototype: Figma Design Link.

This project involves a gaming site that uses coins. I will handle the backend development, so your focus will be on frontend implementation with Next.js. The foundational aspects of the frontend are already in place, but you'll start by working on responsive design and fixing bugs, followed by Redux implementation. Finally, we'll need to test the project to ensure everything runs smoothly.

As for the betting feature, I’d like to implement that and manage the server as well. Would you be able to assist with this?
Опубликован 09.10.2024 в 07:30 по мск
Электронная почта: samiracruz697@gmail.com
Прошло времени с момента публикации: более 5 месяцев
кандидаты Просмотреть кандидатов на исполнение проекта
Исполнитель проекта: не определён
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