Удалённая работа | Работа фрилансера Мир Андрей [novos] | перевод статьи
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Мир Андрей Мир Андрей
Художественные переводы

Логин: novos
Активность: 05.05.2010 в 12:38 по мск
Сейчас на сайте: Оффлайн нет
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перевод статьи Категория: Художественные переводы


Документ Microsoft Word
33 Кб
Excellent phone copy Vertu Signature S Gold should be marked by you as the perfect representative of the model series. This model has a beautiful design, the casing is made of stainless steel and high alloy Sapphire (not scratched) glass, leather inserts, and that not a few important internal functions. The functions include a great photo and video, with autofocus and flash, movie recording. Great sound from stereo speakers.
The transfer of data from the SIM-card into the internal phone memory. Notebook for 1000 numbers in the phone memory. Necessary functions as a calculator, alarm clock, diary, task planner. Handsfree. In case of no opportunity to respond to your phone divert calls to another number. For dialing, voice dialing and voice control. Profiles audio coding HR, FR, EFR. Copies of the Vertu Signature S Gold virtually indistinguishable from the original.

Предыдущая работа: перевод витамины

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