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Бородина Roadspell Бородина Roadspell
Художественные переводы

Логин: Wandering_Star
Активность: 23.10.2007 в 04:22 по мск
Сейчас на сайте: Оффлайн нет
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section_left Стихотворения и проза section_right
1. In The Midst Of Separation
I met you in the midst of separation.
I know it sounds strange
But I will (not)
Bring forth any detailed explanation
If you sell yourself, you’re obviously seeking (to be bought).
My friends received a lot of invitations -
To parties and vanity fairs.
I stood there with a box of motivations
As I saw my unknown cousin
Walking down the stairs.
I stared. He stared.
Nobody paid attention.
I smiled, he grieved,
But yet we were alike.
We both were seeking to excuse our good intentions;
“Forget the day”, - he said,
“Enter the night”.
I stood there hesitating for a moment,
And then, before I answered, I was asked
To follow the dusky longing,
Thus to fulfill my heart’s peculiar task.
The room was...


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2. Watercolors
Can`t shake the raindrops off the silent trees

Can`t tear the clouds apart, can`t stop the freeze...

This is autumn

Summer`s by and gone

In watercolors comes to make its home.

In forest, valley, lake,

Warm houses, deep wells...

My head starts swimming to the dead leaves` smell

And as I go

Noone will wish me well.

But blesses me a song,

A joyful spell:

O welcome to our friendly season

There`s a fire burning hot

Deep in the forest, and in the lake

Her sweet reflection lies.


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3. In Your Garden
There’s a crack in the southern wall,
And your garden’s grass is too high,
And your garden’s trees are so dim,
And your garden’s morning is nigh.

There’s a lock on your garden’s gate,
There’s ivy on the northern wall,
And your garden’s trees are so tall,
And your garden’s shade wears a shawl.

There’s a path from your garden’s gate,
Leading into its beckoning depth;
There is life in your garden’s breath,
There is music in your very steps.

There is joy in your garden’s tune,
There’s a voice in your garden’s mist.
The western wall cradles the Moon;
There’s no wall in your garden’s east.


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